yumyoda /yŭm-yō’də/

  1. (interjection) To consume good knowledge and/or wisdom
  2. (noun) An urban identity and resilience movement dedicated to community empowerment and systemic change.



By amplifying the solidarity economy movement within Black, Indigenous, and working-class communities across New York City, we support a just transition from an extractive to a regenerative economy, emphasizing healing and reconciliation as essential components of our collective growth.



At YUMYODA, we envision wealth as encompassing more than financial gain. Our mission is to embrace Solidarity Economics by redistributing and circulating wealth from capitalists to marginalized communities, challenging systemic inequalities and fostering collective well-being.



We believe that redefining and restoring wealth is crucial for ensuring equitable access to resources like healthcare, transportation, and affordable housing. We are committed to addressing systemic issues that divide communities and dismantling oppressive structures.

Building Coalitions

Our primary objective is to foster collaboration and unity among our culture. We aim to construct both vertical and horizontal coalitions that transcend traditional boundaries and unite individuals, organizations, and communities around shared values and objectives. By building strong partnerships and alliances, we can leverage collective expertise, resources, and influence to address root causes effectively. Through inclusive dialogue, cooperative action, and a fundamental accountability process, we seek to create a powerful force for positive change that amplifies our impact.

Building Coalitions

Our primary objective is to foster collaboration and unity among our culture. We aim to construct both vertical and horizontal coalitions that transcend traditional boundaries and unite individuals, organizations, and communities around shared values and objectives. By building strong partnerships and alliances, we can leverage collective expertise, resources, and influence to address root causes effectively. Through inclusive dialogue, cooperative action, and a fundamental accountability process, we seek to create a powerful force for positive change that amplifies our impact.

Localized Economy

A cornerstone of our initiative is the establishment of a localized dollar system that promotes economic resilience and community self-sufficiency. We envision a currency framework that empowers communities to create and circulate their own currency, facilitating trade and economic transactions within affinity groups and supply chains. By decentralizing financial systems and promoting alternative currencies, we aim to reduce dependency on traditional banking institutions and create more equitable economic opportunities for all members of society. We strive to lay the foundation for a more sustainable and inclusive economic paradigm that prioritizes people over profit.

Localized Economy

A cornerstone of our initiative is the establishment of a localized dollar system that promotes economic resilience and community self-sufficiency. We envision a currency framework that empowers communities to create and circulate their own currency, facilitating trade and economic transactions within affinity groups and supply chains. By decentralizing financial systems and promoting alternative currencies, we aim to reduce dependency on traditional banking institutions and create more equitable economic opportunities for all members of society. We strive to lay the foundation for a more sustainable and inclusive economic paradigm that prioritizes people over profit.

Opportunities and Support

Central to our mission are the support systems and resources that empower our network and community members. We are committed to offering opportunities, education, resources, membership, funding, and support, all aligned with our pre-UBI model. By equipping individuals and groups with the tools and knowledge they need to succeed, we enable them to actively contribute to our collective efforts and realize their full potential. Through mentorship, training programs, and strategic guidance, we nurture a thriving ecosystem of changemakers who are prepared for economic stability and sustainability.

Opportunities and Support

Central to our mission are the support systems and resources that empower our network and community members. We are committed to offering opportunities, education, resources, membership, funding, and support, all aligned with our pre-UBI model. By equipping individuals and groups with the tools and knowledge they need to succeed, we enable them to actively contribute to our collective efforts and realize their full potential. Through mentorship, training programs, and strategic guidance, we nurture a thriving ecosystem of changemakers who are prepared for economic stability and sustainability.

Food Fight

The Food Fight Zine Exchange is our platform for collaboration, with a dedicated focus on empowering individuals in food and personal security. By providing resources and knowledge on self-defense, survival tips, and food security measures, we aim to cultivate a more confident and resilient community. Through zines, workshops, and events, we foster dialogue and solidarity, equipping our community to confront challenges and obstructive changes with resilience and determination.


The Food Fight Zine Exchange is our platform for collaboration, with a dedicated focus on empowering individuals in food and personal security. By providing resources and knowledge on self-defense, survival tips, and food security measures, we aim to cultivate a more confident and resilient community. Through zines, workshops, and events, we foster dialogue and solidarity, equipping our community to confront challenges and obstructive changes with resilience and determination.


1.Community Education Workshops:

  • Host workshops on Marxist theory, socialist economics, and/or anarchist philosophy to provide community members with a deeper understanding of these ideologies.
  • Offer skill-building sessions on topics such as community organizing, collective decision-making, and consensus-building.

2.Mutual Aid Initiatives:

  • Establish mutual aid networks to provide direct assistance to community members in need, following principles of solidarity and collective support.
  • Organize food drives, clothing swaps, and resource-sharing events to address immediate needs and foster a sense of solidarity within the community.

3.Worker Cooperatives Development:

  • Facilitate the creation of worker cooperatives in collaboration with local organizations and cooperatives.
  • Provide training and resources on cooperative business models, democratic decision-making, and cooperative management to aspiring entrepreneurs.

4.Social Justice Campaigns:

  • Launch campaigns advocating for social justice, economic equality, and environmental sustainability in alignment with the principles of Communism, Social Democracy, and/or Anarchism.
  • Mobilize community members to participate in protests, rallies, and advocacy efforts to advance progressive policies and systemic change.

5.Community Defense and Safety:

  • Organize community defense training workshops focused on de-escalation techniques, self-defense, and conflict resolution strategies.
  • Establish community patrols or safety teams to ensure the safety and security of marginalized groups within the community.

6.Solidarity Economy Development:

  • Promote the development of solidarity economy initiatives, such as community-owned businesses, cooperative housing, and community land trusts.
  • Offer support and resources to groups interested in launching solidarity economy projects, including technical assistance, funding opportunities, and legal guidance.

7.Political Education and Action:

  • Conduct political education sessions on topics relevant to Communism, Social Democracy, and/or Anarchism, including critiques of capitalism, historical struggles for social change, and visions for a more just society.
  • Encourage community members to engage in political action, such as voter registration drives, letter-writing campaigns, and participation in local governance processes.

8.Arts and Culture Programming:

  • Showcase art exhibitions, film screenings, and cultural events that explore themes of social justice, solidarity, and resistance.
  • Provide platforms for local artists, musicians, and performers to express their perspectives and amplify community voices.

From Sovereignty to Abolition

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