
Resilience and Sustainability

Resilience and Sustainability

Our mission is to bring together individuals with a passion for sustainability and community protection. We engage discussions about survival and maintenance, nurturing a culture of self-expression, learning, and collaboration around radical ideas. We host Food Fight ZX events, where we provide education, resources, and opportunities in a unique way.



We are reevaluating our goals to verify that organizational ideals are consistent with, at the very least, the Abolitionism base.

Board Members

Our board comprises individuals from diverse backgrounds, including activists, academics, and community organizers, united by their commitment to social justice and grassroots empowerment. Each member brings unique perspectives and expertise, enriching our organization’s decision-making process and ensuring representation of marginalized voices.


Visual Communications


Event Planner




“You too close”

Resource Tables

Resource Tables

At FFZX, we’re your gateway to membership, resources, and funding opportunities. Amidst challenges, we’re dedicated to uncovering paths for growth and empowerment. Join us in cultivating a mutual environment where the community thrives together.

Event Goals

Create a space for people to discuss survival and sustainability.

Foster community engaged knowledge-sharing through the medium of zines.

Promote DIY publishing and self-expression as tools for building resilience.

Discussions based on solidarity economics, community defense, and restorative justice.

Establish a recurring event to connect like-minded people and grow the community.

Event Activities

Zine Exchange: Share and exchange food, sustainability, and survival zines.

Networking: Connect and partner with like-minded individuals.

Exploring Employment: Explore jobs aligned with community and solidarity.

Resource Distro: Share essential resources – food, clothing, knowledge.

Event Benefits

Food and survival insights are gained from participants’ experiences and ideas.

The event builds community among sustainability and resilience enthusiasts.

DIY publishing and self-expression are promoted at the event.

Create a culture of circulatory wealth (resource, opportunity, and education.)

Our Flyer Design

Mockup design of a Food Fight flyer.

Revenue Generating

Revenue Generating

In our pursuit of an abundant world, Yumyoda is dedicated to sustaining not only the event that generously provides resources but also nurturing the growth of our coalition and collaborators.

Sliding Scale: Purchase our quarterly package, featuring:

  • 1 Garment
  • 3 Stickers
  • 5 Buttons
  • 1 Zine.

Price Range: $30 – $100 Per Sale

Financial support plays a pivotal role in shaping event logistics, resource distribution, community outreach, and dedicated showcases within a resilient and interconnected society. Our commitment to transparent supply chains not only facilitates the circulation of resources but also creates purposeful opportunities, reflecting our fundamental principles as advocates of a social and solidarity economy.


Each clothing item will be categorized, whether it’s a T-shirt, Longsleeve, Hoody, etc. A single-color print will adorn the back, while the front will consistently feature the coalition’s logo. The back design will be refreshed every quarter. All pieces will undergo meticulous hand printing at the CarouselsPress studio in Brooklyn.


Every quarter, we produce top-notch 2×6″ ethos stickers utilizing local business resources. These prints are distinct, with 72 unique stickers crafted each quarter. We’ve observed a significant demand for these stickers, making them highly sought-after and tradable across a diverse demographic.



We craft 2.75″ Button Pins centering on leftist ideologies, primarily abolitionist with occasional expressions of Anarchy, Communism, and Social Democratic art. Embracing diversity, our advocacy values differing perspectives, understanding that agreement on everything is not a requirement.


We distribute zines, buttons, and stickers for free at the event and with pre-order tickets. Our 20-page zines offer survival tips and intriguing facts tailored for urban dwellers. From essential information to adventure maps and do-it-yourself instructions, we strive to address the diverse needs of individuals on the streets, empowering and providing support.

Our Proposal


We are delighted to introduce Food Fight Zine Exchange (FFZX), a unique quarterly event that transcends the boundaries of typical gatherings. FFZX merges the realms of Food Security and Self-Preservation, bringing together these two essential facets in a manner that explores the chemistry they create, which is crucial to navigating the certainties and uncertainties of our contemporary world. Our core philosophy is rooted in the principles of a solidarity economy, operating under the overarching umbrella of cooperation or abolition. We prioritize safety over mere security, recognizing the importance of fostering a community based on mutual support and collective well-being.

Event Description:

Food Fight Zine Exchange is not just another zine exchange event; it’s a dynamic convergence of ideas and resources. Attendees have the opportunity to trade zines, stickers, and buttons, creating a vibrant exchange of knowledge, creativity, and expression. The heart of the event is the tables that feature offerings, such as job opportunities, DIY education materials, and resources covering various aspects of life, including food, health, and weather-appropriate clothing. These tables are curated in collaboration with a range of organizations whose mission aligns with FFZX’s principles. At FFZX, we believe that accessibility to essential resources should be a right, not a privilege.

Funding and Sustainability:

FFZX is made possible through the dedicated efforts of YUMYODA, an organization that operates on a unique cooperative model. YUMYODA raises funds by offering packaged creativity. The funds generated from these activities are reinvested to sustain the event. Our aim is to keep everything at FFZX free of charge, and where that’s not yet the case, we’re actively working towards making it freely accessible to all. In this way, we aim to embody the principles of the solidarity economy we advocate for.

YUMYODA: A Starship with Two Departments:

YUMYODA operates as a dynamic entity, consisting of two distinct but interconnected departments. The first is our internal team, responsible for facilitating and overseeing various aspects of YUMYODA, including communications, financial management, and public relations. This department ensures the smooth functioning of the organization and its events, as well as maintaining our digital presence and community engagement through social media.

The second is our coalition, a collective embodiment of what YUMYODA represents. The coalition is a testament to the shared values, ethics, and goals that underpin our organization. It reflects the diverse community of individuals and organizations that stand in solidarity with YUMYODA’s mission, advocating for a more equitable and just world.


We invite you to join us in this extraordinary journey, as we bridge the realms of food security, self-preservation, and community solidarity. FFZX is not merely an event; it’s a movement towards a more resilient and interconnected society. Together, we can build a future where cooperation and collective well-being are at the forefront, ensuring that essential resources are accessible to all.

We eagerly anticipate your participation in this transformative event.

Thank you for considering our proposal.

-Vic Stizzi
of the NX-INFINITE Starship, YUMYODA

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